Bobo has Heartpeople® Markings! We love Bobo!
 Heartpeople® Dog Bobo with a unique heart marking |

As a child who came from severe abuse, life has not been easy for Devon Hansen. Since recovering from the experience of homelessness and abuse, Devon has spent more than 35 years inspiring and encouraging others with her uplifting story of personal triumph over adversity. Devon purposefully channels her creative energies through a wide range of professional activities, including speaking, writing and painting.
 Little knobby knees Heartpeople® artist Devon ♥ While homeless, she graduated from college with honors, eventually to be awarded one of Dayton’s Ten Top Women for her many contributions and professional services to help those in need. She is a two-time Governor’s Award Nominee.
Her life story of homelessness to national success has been the subject for a Hollywood movie. Devon also made a featured appearance in the movie, “Man of Faith”, starring Brad Dourif, Faye Dunnaway and Robert Wagner. She was spotted on a national television show by the Chicken Soul of Soup publishing company, Health Communications, Inc to write a book about anger. Devon, who has always suffered from severe learning disabilities. took up the challenge. She wrote “Angry? Do You Mind If I Scream?”, which became the book requested by the Oklahoma City bombing survivors. Devon also was the consultant who worked anger/trauma issues with these survivors, family and friends.
Devon has established herself as a nationally recognized keynote speaker specializing in anger/change management. Fortune 500 Companies such as Rockwell International, AT&T, GTE, Bank One, and Nationwide Insurance have utilized Devon for their employees. Devon is a popular keynote speaker for national associations and conventions. She is well recognized in the field of Healthcare as well as training therapists who specialize in sexual, ritual abuse.
I love how the little heartpeople come alive as if they know exactly what I need to learn.
It is a fun way to make change because the characters stick in my mind with their right on the mark messages, Some make me giggle because they are so true to home, I would recommend this book to everyone. Best affirmation book ever!!!
D. Smith, Phoenix, AR |